Thursday, February 7, 2019

Madame Butterfly

    The "Madama Butterfly" opera was a very interesting and brilliant claymation. My first impression of the video was how amusing the video was, it takes a lot of patience and time in order to make a clay video such as "Madama Butterfly" because the creator has to constantly move the dolls in order to make it look smooth and like it is a real figure.
    The overall video was very depressing. The story was about a young lady who fell in love with a soldier as he was deployed in Japan but unfortunately for her he had to leave to continue serving his country.  The women ends becoming pregnant and raises the child herself until the soldier returns and takes the child away from the mother just as he did from all the women he had impregnated as his car is filled with children. The ending to this opera was very sad as the mother breaks her body apart as she now has no reason to live without her child. Overall, this opera was impressive and interesting to watch.

1 comment:

  1. I agree this was very sad to watch and how it relates to the emotions many women felt during this time period.
