Thursday, March 21, 2019

21st century technology influenced from the past

Image result for virtual reality
Today in the 21st century we have seen technology make a significant growth by being influenced from the past. Today we have social media, self-driving cars, and 3D printing, that people in past generations would not believe would be possible in such a short period of time. One technology that has been influenced by the past is virtual reality. virtual reality allows someone to put on a pair of goofy looking glasses and then completely reimagine the world they live in and the world around them. Virtual reality allows you to play games, train for sports or a career or just relax and watch a movie but that makes you feel as if you are really in the place it is occurring. Virtual reality has its pros and cons, one pro being that it allows military personnel to put these on and train as if they are in a real-life battle which will prepare them better for the future but also can be negative because some people become so obsessed with this 'reality' that they forget it isn't actually real and want it to be their life all the time. In the future, I think virtual reality may become very important as they can help a doctor perform a mock heart surgery so that they are better trained or like I said train the military better for future wars. 

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