I think mine, as well as many others biggest fear, is the day when AI (Artificial Intelligence) gets too advanced for our own good that they take over the world and then that's the end of human civilization. While today we are still in control I think the things robots can do is extremely impressive. They do more than just help create cars and other things on an assembly line, today they are able to talk, cook, and do things just as normal LIVING humans can do such as intimidate breathing, blinking and talking in accents and many different languages. This is crazy!!!! some are created so well that it is hard to tell if it is a robot or a real person. If you've seen the movie Transendence, starring Johnny Depp you can see firsthand what can occur when we advance technology such as robots too much. In the movie AI takes over peoples living bodies and can repair cuts and broken bones in seconds, this is a pretty cool thing if then they didn't take over your mind and make you follow commands as now you are under their control. Luckily that is just a movie, but if that happens in real life, you can find me on the next SpaceX rocket en route to Mars because there is no way I would make it out alive after the "Robot Revolution." As technology is advancing some of the things they are able to do is amazing and makes everyday life easier. I just hope that it doesn't get to the point where we can no longer control it.
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